Saturday, April 29, 2006
Variety is the Spice of Life!

About a year ago I, for some reason, tried to start a blog. No idea where I heard about it, why it interested me. Who the heck remembers what they did, or why they did it a year ago?! When your kids are young you're forgetful because you're so sleep deprived. When you're older you forget just because... Anyway, my effort to blog didn't work too slick and I set it aside. Two weeks ago our pastor announced our church website had a blogsite on it. I went in and left a post telling him when we got home my husband asked me "what's blog?" Our church blog is newsy. My daughter, Sarah has been mentioning a sweet friend of hers who has a blogsite, and I took a look at it. I found myself going in daily, seeing what Leslie at 'Haply Thinking' was up to. She's in the middle of a big move across the world and I could really relate to that. Her blog is truly delightful to follow.

Looking around Haply Thinking, I saw a list of other blogs to check out. One was my daughter's name - Sarah. So I clicked on it. She'd never mentioned it to me (we mention most things to each other on a daily basis!) so I assumed it was NOT her. I clicked on the bloglink and read a post by this 'Sarah'. One comment, "Thank the Lord" rang like a bell. I've heard her say it how many times, and knew it had to be her. I found myself fascinated to see that she'd been writing this blog for several weeks. She'd written a deep post on her blog, In The Midst of It, on Ragamuffin Gospel; a writing that showed we'd paid for a college degree for her! She'd also written a number of posts about her life as a very pregnant mother of two little boys. I was just amazed that she'd been doing this for weeks without a word said. And she's very funny! THIS truly surprised me. Maybe it's just her life that is so funny? Or maybe she just needs a day away from motherhood?

So I posted a comment to 'In the Midst of It', and got the response "who ratted me out?" Apparently she was doing this low-key. I tried again to start my own blog. It keeps a promise I made to my mother to spend some time writing this year. So she jumped in. My mom is quite the writer, and has a sometimes hysterical / sometimes very deep view of life. When she gets the hang of it, Philippians 4 is bound to be a daily treat. All of this intrigued my over-achieving sister, Barb. She's now A Chelsea Morning, and her blog will be full of her experiences with her 6 month old grandson and her little dog. I just found out today her husband is not to be outdone; he's starting his own blog, Curmudgeon's Corner! Curmudgeon (which I had to look up in the dictionary and I'm a generally good speller) means a surly, ill-mannered, bad-tempered person; cantankerous fellow. I don't have his web address yet, but when I do, I plan to go there daily - sounds like it will be hysterical to follow the musings of a "surly, ill-mannered, bad-tempered person, a cantankerous fellow"! How can anyone miss seeing how much fun blogging is?

Variety is truly the spice of life; since we can't just kill each other, we might as well enjoy the ride!

Note: daughter, Sarah and Grayson on left (In the Midst of It); sister, Barb (A Chelsea morning) on right.


  posted at 10:59 PM

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    Girl Raised in the South

    I have a deep, abiding love for full octane coffee, sewing, knitting, quilting, reading, cooking, gardening, God and my family - not in that order.

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