Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Levels of Thankfulness
So it's almost Thanksgiving, and of course I'm considering what am I thankful for? All sorts of thoughts pop into my head. I've been considering it the last few days, driving to and from church, cooking supper, time with my husband, on the phone with our kids. I've realized what usually comes to mind is the fluff.

Fluff is okay. I'm blessed with a lot of it. What's fluff? The timer on my coffee maker, good creamer to go in my cup. Lights that turn green, short grocery lines. My pillow and my bed. Good books, and a bit of time to read them, even if that time should be spent sleeping. Our dog who loves us with a love closest to Jesus than anything else on this earth. That might be his limited understanding of our true nature. My cat who comes when I call her every night, and when I lift the covers she climbs under and makes her nest. Nice - but all fluff.

The fluff made me think a bit deeper. What am I really, really thankful for? Hearing the pilgrim story I started to think, what would I strain after enough to sail across the world? So here's my "really, really thankful" list.

A God who pulled my feet out of the miry clay, and grabs my hand when I'm almost back in it again. Who has my name written in the palm of his hand and will never erase it. Who, when he looks at me, sees Jesus standing there saying "paid in full."

A husband who is steadfast, tender hearted, loyal and committed. Nobody else on this earth knows me as well, and yet loves me the way he does. If he were gone, I'd rather be lonely than try to find another of him. I'm convinced he doesn't exist. I'd just settle for another cat under the covers.

Our children. Sarah. Leslie. Dan. We did the best we could, the best we knew, but it wasn't always good enough. They turned out to be wonderful young adults, somewhat because of our efforts; somewhat in spite of them. They are good spouses and parents. Good employees. Just plain ole good people. We have very little baggage between us (none that I really know of but I'm assuming some, just as we got through the process of all of us growing up.)

Their spouses. Every one of them. Chris. Jeremy. Janae. They each love our children as my husband loves me. They are each committed Christ followers. They are becoming great parents. That's enough for me. Any parent who can say that is blessed to overflowing.

Four impossible-to-describe-how-precious-they-are grandchildren. It's been a rough year grandbaby wise, and we're thankful beyond description for the four little people who have joined our family. We're praying for more, but not necessarily any time soon! That works well since most of our kids are praying the same thing.

Our other family members. We still have three of our four parents, they are all in good health for their ages. We have no baggage between us, period. They did the best they could raising us. It was not necessarily always enough, but it was the best they knew and better than they got going through the process. We have 5 siblings between Don and I. We love each other, are on great terms. Many of them have difficult situations to deal with on a daily basis, but they're okay. We know we love each other, and tell each other often.

A handful of friends who will be there no matter what. We've made them over the last 25 years, and they live near and far. To have even one or two is an enormous blessing. They are like extended family.

The privilege Don and I have of working til we come home tired. Working at positions we chose, and enjoy. Many people do not have this.

So I'm enough of a sissy to not want to give up the fluff, but I'm also thankful God's worked in my life, and my parents did a good enough job, that I do recognize the difference. Thanksgiving blessings to all of you. xooxox

  posted at 8:45 AM

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    Girl Raised in the South

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