Monday, March 12, 2007
Monday Morning Meditations
A new week; another fresh start at this journey I'm on. Starting my day, good coffee, great creamer, I'm thankful for the little things. Spring is tip-toeing in today, and 60 degrees is going to feel balmy around here.
Morning devotions interrupted with loud, persistent pecks at the back door; investigating, I found three enormous turkeys dancing on the deck. Venturing outside, I saw courtship on display in our little woods. No closed doors for them! Majestic feathers, spread out, to impress the females. I shooed the three ladies away, told them to go check out the males struttin' their stuff; it's all a reminder that you give life. In all its forms. This time of year takes my breath away, and makes me smile. You're so good. I thank you ahead of time for the fluffy little creatures I'll soon see scattered around our property, sometime in May. Thank you for reminding me, through nature, that you made it all. Homely turkeys, daffodils peeking out, grass turning greener by the day, the little buds I see on our bushes and trees. We were made for life - this resurgence of life all around me. Help me to not only notice it, today, but to notice you in it. It's not Mother Nature, as Hallmark would have us believe. It's you, Father God, creator of all things.
My prayer guide today - you're named as Counselor. I need that. Just yesterday I asked someone, how do I know? What he wants me to be busy with, how to spend my time, my days? She told me, "listen for the Echo." So God, I'm asking for echos in my day, that your counsel is clear to me. Reflections over and over of what you'd have me be busy with, where to invest my hours, days, energy, effort, to glorify you. I want to be busy with what you've chosen, not what this sometimes disobedient, sometimes lazy, sometimes whiney flesh would choose. Please give me counsel. Counsel that echos.
Thank you for this man you've given me. Given me to. Please be with him today, protect his integrity, his witness. Help him be a blessing at his workplace, to the company and the individual. Give him confirmation that his efforts are noticed, and rewarded. Make me aware of how I can best be a blessing to him. When to speak, when to listen. Protect him from listening to me when he shouldn't. You gave us lessons, in Adam, of when that's not what's best for him, for us. Remind me not to beat him up with volume of words. A little goes a long way.
Please protect our family - our married children, their spouses, their children. Provide what they need, strengthen those marriages, watch over their health, give them wisdom to make good decisions this week. Guidance, an awareness of you all around them. Support where they need it, including good friends. Our extended family, parents, siblings. Esp. this week, Don's mother is in the hospital, with some difficulties. Thank you for the years you've given us with her. Give the doctors wisdom as they try to clear her lungs, and calm her fears. Thank you for the blessing of our family.
Thank you for our sweet dog, the years he's shared our home, made it a cozier place to be. He's getting along in years, and that snout of his is whiter by the day, it seems. No more long walks for him. Now I wish we'd taken more. Thank you for the privilege of being master over the animals, and for what we see of you, in them. Help us honor the gift our pets are to our family, by caring for them as we should.
Please watch over the missionary families from our church, the Russells, the Diggins, the Muckles and the Rysenkos. Protect them, encourage them, keep them close in our thoughts as we look for how to support them in tangible ways.
You are a mighty God, you crafted the planets, stars. You keep it all going. You literally are the giver of our every breath. This week, as we get busy about the stuff of life, help me to keep you in it all. Not fit you in, but wrap my life around you. Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. Even when it's stopping to take in a turkey, doing the corn dance on the deck. How could anyone, seeing a majestic peacock, then a homely turkey, not take in the vastness of you - You are an amazing God.
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