Thursday, June 07, 2007
Hallelujah, Hairdos and Havoc
Bless your hearts, any of you who truly bother to read what I'm putting out here lately. Seriously, I'm not sure I would. But banking on unconditional love, I'm here to give another update on our crazy life.

I do want to say it's feeling very serene in a crazy way. We're busy, but not frantic. The days are full, we fall asleep in seconds, but it's feeling like a good thing. In spite of the days being full, it feels right - like I'm doing what I should be doing. I start with devotions, spending time reading my Bible and then telling God we need His help like crazy for another day. I feel a little like Mary, doing aerobics.

So HALLELUJAH!!! Leslie and her little family are completely unpacked, and nestled into their place. Every box has been unloaded or sent to storage, there are window treatments up, walls are decorated, and she said today their place feels like home to her. We finished two days early, and celebrated with an impromptu trip to Target today. Man alive, does that feel good to have done!

My hair - let me warn you it's a photo I took of myself while looking in the bathroom mirror and I sort of look like I have three chins, and inch long hair, but honestly it turned out cute (the hair, not the photo). The new stylist put too much goo on it, and I like it a bit more spikey, but my natural wave should make it easy to fix and a cute result. It's my natural color - which is so long gone I don't really remember, but we're basing that on my eyebrow color. In spite of warning my husband, yesterday morning that I was "going for a big change", having longer blonde hair, he walked in last night, looked at me and said, "wow, that's different." You can tell the man's been married awhile - very non-committal comment.

Trust me, those lines under my eyes were well earned this past week. I've slept in two mornings, but it's going to take awhile to look bright-eyed and busy tailed. Anyone who reads this regularly knows you get the truth, nothin' but the truth, so help you God, so you get to see this less than fabulous photo of me. I do like that the lovely blemish on my chin isn't so glaring in the photo. How you can have a blemish with this little estrogen in your system is beyond me.... It may have something to do with going to bed without a shower after being sweaty all day.

Moving on to HAVOC the house truly looks a bit like a bomb went off, especially the basement. My husband is beginning to shake his head when he walks in from the garage. I keep promising him next Wednesday it'll all be good. That's the day the local mission truck comes to pick up the garage sale leftovers. Here's today's state of affairs:

The garage sale is coming along fabulously! I've run into a number of ladies lately who tell me they're planning on coming. I invited 57, so we'll see who shows up. This pile is just what Leslie and I have contributed, and honestly I havent even gotten good started. I'm planning to set aside all of Monday to drag out more stuff. Cleaning out my closet quickly, I grabbed 10 pairs of shoes, several scarves, and several purses. It amazes me how much "stuff" I had.

My quilting studio, as I've decided to call it, is coming along nicely. I bought a sewing table, a file cabinet, dragged in two bookcases for all my fabric, and took the armoire out of the rec room and it's going to hold all my sewing notions, books, patterns, etc. It looks a mess, but hopefully with a few hours of concentrated sorting I can make sense of it all. I think it'll be a great place to spend time this fall and winter, once life slows down a bit. I'm almost finished with Addison's quilt (on the ladder) and am sewing a quilt to donate to the pregnancy resource center.

Last, I bought a cabinent to hold all the cleaning supplies in the laundry room. Unlike my sister, Barb, who uses four, I have about 99, love them all, but don't necessarily want to see them all the time. Then I bought two of those plastic things that have drawers that pull out, and they'll hopefully hold all my scrapbook supplies, so I can start that again this fall also. I'm about 31 years behind. Again, a big sorting project that will have to wait til July at least.

How did I ever have time to work? How did I ever have time to run a bookstore? Heck, how did I ever have time to raise kids?

That's it for here - tomorrow's my birthday, I plan to spend it paying bills, then going to a wedding of a sweet girl I've known since she was in 6th grade. She was in my small group Bible study for years, and it's going to be a treat to watch her come down the aisle tomorrow.

Life's full, but it just doesn't get any better than it is right now. I'll be back in a few days to tell you how the garage sale went, right before I jump on a plane to leave the state for the rest of the month. Another wedding in the wings, and family to visit. What's not to love about summer?


  posted at 11:20 PM

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    Girl Raised in the South

    I have a deep, abiding love for full octane coffee, sewing, knitting, quilting, reading, cooking, gardening, God and my family - not in that order.

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