Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Digging in with a Vengeance!
On the highly unlikely chance of someone bothering to steal me, I'm sharing that sweet husband is out of town for a bit. He travels now and then for one night trips, but once in awhile he goes away for much of a week, and this time I have three nights and four days to recreate the world.

Possibly in total denial of my energy level, decorating prowness, and ability to sustain enthusiasm for a project, here's what I'm attempting to accomplish in those four days:

#1 - Completely finish the basement project - including stripping wallpaper, painting the walls, painting several pieces of furniture, print, frame and hang family photos on the walls, and painting the stairs to the kitchen with cute stripes on them. Stair-painting may be aiming a bit too high. That might have to wait til next week.

Here's a shot of the oh so lovely walls, in the process. Nowhere to go but up!

#2 - Organize my quilt room and spend the evenings down there watching old movies and finishing Addison's quilt, and the giveaway baby quilt I'm working on.

#3 - Print out the photos for the next scrapbook project, and begin scrapping those pages.

#4 - Clean anything in my house that hasn't been cleaned in the past month, that really needs a weekly cleaning, and possibly is leaving yucky mold/mildew gunk around it.

Here's what I'm NOT doing, in order to accomplish these ridiculously lofty goals:

#1 - Cook. Anything. Menu will consist of cheerios, pbj sandwiches, tuna straight out of the can while standing at the kitchen sink, with a side of saltines, or if I get really crazy, zapping a Lean Cuisine.

#2 - Shave my legs. No need to. Big time saver here, on several levels. Ahem.

#3 - Makeup application, except on quilting day so I don't scare my girlfriends, and they uninvite me to go quilt-by-the-sea.

#4 - Any lawn work, beyond admiring our flowers, when I can't stand it a minute more, and need to look at something lovely. This project, in process, is NOT lovely!

#5 - Anything having to do with finances, or paperwork.

#6 - Wash my car. Not that I do that more than three or four times a year. That's why it's pewter rather than black. Way too much maintenance, owning a black car. Everytime we buy a new vehicle, I ask for black, and sweet husband reminds me that I rarely wash our car.

#7 - Answer the phone if there's any possibility someone is going to ask me to volunteer. For anything. I hate it when we Christians are asked to do something we instantly know would be awful, so we say "I'll pray about it" which means give me two days til I call back and tell you no. This time of year, with fall right around the corner, the calls are starting to come in for volunteers. I'm volunteering to minister right here at home for awhile.

#8 - Make my bed, because by the time I climb back into it at night, it won't matter at all that it's messy.

I'd like to walk in, or around, our home and sigh at the order. That's going to take some concentrated effort on my part. And of course I'll post photos, of my project, when it's done. Right now, we look like we've been hit by a hurricane, and we're too far inland for that.

P.S. Happy Birthday # 26 to sweet DIL, Janae. xoxoxo

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  posted at 6:00 AM

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    Girl Raised in the South

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