Saturday, December 08, 2007
It's too early, too soon, to gather thoughts of what she meant to us. At 95, she'd lived a full, rich life, loved the Lord, and so we know she's in Heaven now enjoying not having to put up with pesky oxygen tubes, a wheelchair or walker, feet that hurt, and all the other aches and pains she likely tolerated but didn't say much about.
We're flying out to Denver in a day or so, and will be there for at least a week, so I won't be around blogland for awhile. I'd appreciate your prayers for our family, Don and I here, our kids as they travel to Colorado during iffy winter weather, and all of us as arrangements are made, and we all gather to say goodbye to a great lady, loved by all who knew her. She's going to be missed so much.
In the meantime, I did a random number generator for the cookbook giveaway, just in case any of you are planning to give them as gifts. Here's how it all settled out:
#1, Maxwell House Coffee Cookbook, goes to Melissa K, but I can't seem to get an email or blogsite. Can you please email me through my sidebar with a shipping address?
#2, the Tuscan Cookbook, goes to Kelli, Living in Grace.
#3, Low Fat Healthy Heart, goes to Trish, A Joyful Heart.
#4, Smoothies, goes to a very sweet mommy, Miller Moments.
#5, Rachel Ray, (wish I'd had several of these to give away!), goes to Samantha, not a blogger, but a sweet commenter.
#6, Mary Englebreit, goes to Robin.
If you'll all email me at with a shipping address, I'd love to pop these in the mail to you on Monday, along with (praying hard here) all my Christmas packages.
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