Friday, February 29, 2008
I NEED You - Mary Poppins!
It's just flat nuts around here! I thought I'd lean heavy on the "show" and lean on the "tell", for a change. Here's what we're up to:

The basement project is moving along - we've got a new door to the garage, not real thrilling but we're expecting the next owners will like it much better than the old ratty one. We needed more painting projects anyway.

We've got walls in the new storage room and craft room. And closets. This weekend the wonderful process of sanding joint compound starts. Anyone who has lived through that knows it's a blast. I'm hearing by Tuesday I can put back all my sewing stuff, and move storage back into storage, versus having it all over the basement. This painting project has to wait til April after some family visits, knee surgery (his, not mine), birthday celeberations, etc. We'll have to paint the floors, walls, shelves, etc. so it's not a one-day job. For now we're going for a bit of order. Almost done with this monster!

A nice four foot closet just for storing my fabric, patterns, yarn, etc. Mr. Carpenter (aka DH) is putting in shelves exactly where I need them, so this will be great! I'm so so excited to have this nice place to work / play. My sewing stuff has been all over the dining room table for a good month, amazing what a mess you can make trying to tidy things up!

Since I couldn't really do much in the basement while DH was working, I started painting upstairs. The nursery became Command Central - a great place for drop cloths, paint supplies, etc. In other words, another room temporarily trashed.

We're going with NEUTRAL to the extreme. Our master bedroom was some shade that had a rosy tint to it, I never liked it from the day it went on. This is much better! I call it Mocha although the paint store called it something like Cincinnatian..... I think it makes the white woodwork pop out more.

You can see the new color is much better, right? If DH could, I figure any female can!

We also bought new bedding, neutral, a few more pillows that DH couldn't live without (does your husband complain about all the pillows?). Window treatments are a nice soft green and will go up this weekend when DH gets bored.

The closets, baseboards and windows need a fresh coat of white, so that's still on The List, the five-page Excel spreadsheet list. I'm glad to have this room painted. The Master Bedroom is awful to paint, especially when you can't move out the furniture! This room still doesn't have quite the POP I want it to, but we're moving in the right direction.

Does anyone else do this? I wanted to know what I thought about the new color? I also needed to do the 'point of no return, can't weazel out of it' thing. Two splotches of that mocha and there's no looking back. Second bedroom redo is underway.

One wall down, first coat. I do like it much better, this room is going to be mocha walls, white bedding, accents of kiwi and robin's egg blue. I think it'll be a nice soothing place to sleep! That new chair we bought a month or so ago is going to look much better against a neutral background. Before, it looked a bit like a pig fighting its way out of a clingy dress.

We had the bathtub guy over, he's going to recoat the tub, and also paint the lovely mint green shower tiles white. The next owners will likely prefer that too. So next, after the second bedroom, I'm painting the master bathroom walls, sewing a new window treatment, freshen up the bathroom cabinet paint, buy white monogrammed towels. We're slowly making progress.

And where am I on the 99 gabillion photos? Thanks for asking! I'm 75% through sorting, tossing, filing away. This has become our new Family Room centerpiece! Holds 4800 photos, and it's filling up quickly. All the photos IN ONE PLACE - that's the goal, and I have to say I've had fun going through them. Maybe not all 4800 but it has been a fun ride down memory lane. And I've got one of our kids' wedding photos partially in the scrapbook, be still my heart. The scrapbook area is fully functioning now, and I've got a scrapbook date scheduled for once a month to keep me on track.

I could use a little Mary Poppins around here, open that big carpetbag, pull out a few things, and then play "Tidy up the Nursery", alas it's not going to happen. Soooooooo.....

(NICE DEEP VOICE......) "Making progress every day."

PS: I changed my template (again), don't love the green but it'll have to do for now, added some sidebar stuff, changed things around a bit, then changed my comments to Haloscan, and it ate all my lovely Blogger comments, that I did so appreciate. Just didn't want undue sympathy that nobody had ever commented on my little blog! I heard you can get them back, but life is short, and we're just too busy around here to fuss over the details. Okay, off to pay bills, paint a bedroom, then set up for scrapbooking. I'd rather burn out than rust! Happy weekend, everyone. We'll be back when the dust (literally) settles.


  posted at 9:17 AM

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    Girl Raised in the South

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