Friday, August 29, 2008
Talking about the Off-Limits Subject.....

There are some things you don't talk about, even amongst family, or maybe even especially amongst family!

You don't get too personal about finances, or someone's personal beliefs, or gay rights, or euthanasia, or the environment - the list can be long or short depending on the crowd and the circumstances. Politics is usually on the list of subjects to avoid, unless you already know you both lean the same direction, and when it's an election year it can be more so. I was told by someone at our church that our pastor cannot specifically promote a candidate from the pulpit or our church will lose it's tax exempt situation. He tells us TO vote, but not for WHO. He tells us what he believes the Bible has to say about specific political hot topics but again he never tells us who to vote for.

I live in Pennsylvania and it's generally a state that votes democrat - whether it's mayor or governor or president. There are also a lot of republicans living here. I attend a non-denominational, conservative church, but we don't assume anyone is anything except a Christian, recognizing you can be so and belong to either party...

We were at the ballpark this week, and they had a table set up with McCain's banners on it. I noticed it said something about him appearing, and went over and asked about it. Ends up he'll be there tomorrow night speaking, and it's only about 15 minutes from our home. I've never, ever gotten to hear a presidential candidate from either party speak. I asked how much the tickets were and they were the right price - free, so I grabbed four of them. So instead of going to church tomorrow night we're going to hear McCain speak.

I'd seen an article about three months ago about the governor of Alaska, and what a remarkable woman she is, and that she might be considered a possible for the presidential or vice-presidential nominee. I read the article, clipped it out and put it in the file box. When my husband came home today and told me she was announced as the vice-presidential candidate I regretted that I'd thrown out the article. Apparently she'll be there tomorrow evening with McCain, and I'm going to get to be there and hear them speak. I think it's a great opportunity to hear her in particular speak.

Whoever wins this election, it's going to be a history-making one. We as a nation will either elect the first black or first woman into these two high offices. I'm encouraged to know, once again, our pastor won't tell anyone who to vote for but he'll strongly urge them to get out and vote for someone. It's a privilege to do so, isn't it? And good to remember members of both parties will be taking up space in heaven someday, just like all those denominations, other than mine, out there.


  posted at 11:33 PM

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