Monday, September 29, 2008
Need I Say More?
Streetman, TX 59°F
Current:Mostly Cloudy
Wind: N at 0 mph
Humidity: 93%Today
88° 61°Tue, SUNNY
85° 54°Wed , SUNNY
83° 56°Thu , SUNNY
83° 56° , SUNNY
Pittsburgh, PA 61°F
Wind: N at 0 mph
Humidity: 94%Today
70° 52°Tue
68° 49°Wed , RAIN
56° 47°Thu , RAIN (did you see that? HIGH of 56, the 1st week of October!)
61° 45° , RAIN
There you have it, the answer to why we're moving south. And if this isn't enough, the comparison come January and February will be ridiculously depressing.
Streetman, TX 59°F
Current:Mostly Cloudy
Wind: N at 0 mph
Humidity: 93%Today
88° 61°Tue, SUNNY
85° 54°Wed , SUNNY
83° 56°Thu , SUNNY
83° 56° , SUNNY
Pittsburgh, PA 61°F
Wind: N at 0 mph
Humidity: 94%Today
70° 52°Tue
68° 49°Wed , RAIN
56° 47°Thu , RAIN (did you see that? HIGH of 56, the 1st week of October!)
61° 45° , RAIN
There you have it, the answer to why we're moving south. And if this isn't enough, the comparison come January and February will be ridiculously depressing.
Labels: Lighthearted
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